吉他Trill(颤音)技巧 | Hub Guitar


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Trills are a great way to condition the fret hand, building finger strength, speed, dexterity and independence.

You can hear a trill in any style of music, but they have a special place in classical, metal, and blues.

Even if you don't end up using this to decorate your playing, it's very useful to boost your technique.

Let's try an example trill between G and Ab on the first string. Basically, it's just a hammer-on and pull off, repeated for awhile. The short hand way of notating it is just to write the letters "tr" over the note.

You can trill your way up a scale. I'll start one from F.

You can also do trills with different fingers to give them each a workout. So you can use your pinky, that one is pretty hard. You can use your third finger or your second finger.

You can trill any two notes together, and you can trill a note with a note above it or a note below it.

The trill seems to really condition the fast-action muscles in the fingers in a way that most exercises don't. So practicing this exercise can really help you build your guitar dexterity.

什么是 Trill(颤音)?

吉他颤音就是单根琴弦上的两个音符快速交替。在拨第一个音符之后,连续地使用 hammer-on(击弦)和 pull-off(勾弦)使音持续不停。尽管大多数的 trills 不是比主音高半音就是高全音,但像是大调三度这样的trills还是可以被轻松完成的。

A note

尽管 trill 是很快速的,但它 应该还是有节奏上的准确性,与节奏时值所吻合。光弹的很快还不够,颤音 trill 也必须要弹在准确的时间点上。

Trills 对于培养力量来说很重要,同样的,也能培养按弦的手的速度和准确度。首先,试试用食指在 high “E” 弦,第四品 弹一个简单的trill,然后用中指弹第五品。

Trill 例子

在这个例子中,音符在 hammer-on 和 pull-off下快速交替。试试弹这个example,然后渐渐的加快速度。Trills的速度一般是相当快的。

第二小节则是trills的另一种记谱法,它由一个音符以及位于音符上方的缩写符号 “tr” 组成,这告诉了我们弹奏这个音符之后,和音阶中与下一个高音符快速交替。


Trills也可以反过来弹奏。例如上面这个例子中,只有第一个音符被拨动,然后我们可以轻易地颠倒顺序,先拨五品的 “A”,然后与四品的 G♯快速交替。

Trill Exercises

  1. 弹奏 F 大调音阶,一个八度,只用 high E 弦,F 到 F。
  2. Trill 音阶中的每一个音符与它相邻的高音符。(F 和 G, G 和 A, 等等)
  3. 用三度法trill音阶中的每一个音。(F 和 A, G 和 B, 等等)
  4. 弹奏B弦上的F大调音阶来练习1,2和3,从 C 到 C。
  5. 配合节拍器来练习trills,trill 的时值可以是八分,十六分,三十二分,甚至六十四分音符。确保你清楚的知道你在弹的是哪个节奏时值的trill。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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