Amazon Associates Program Disclosure
Since we prefer to avoid burdening our users with too many ads, we've decided to use Amazon Affiliates as well as other affiliated partners to insert links so that you can buy some of the products we recommend. We generally only post links to products that we have experience with and can recommend. We will always make a good faith effort to provide links to resources that will be of value to you. We see this as a way for us to bring in revenue to support the production of the site while also adding value to the site by giving you suggestions for products to buy.
Amazon requires us to display this participation disclosure on our website:
“Hub Guitar, LLC is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to”
In addition to Amazon, please assume that any other websites or products that we recommend may be compensating us in some way for referrals. Again, it is our wish to only refer you to products and services that you may find useful.
In our reviews, you may assume that we may have requested or been given complementary products to review. Our policy is to offer to return any such product after the review.
Credit: Some icons made by Appzgear from is licensed by CC BY 3.0.