滑弦技巧简介 | Hub Guitar


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We're going to take a look at one of the more basic guitar techniques. The slide is used to transition between two notes, and also to decorate notes.

This technique is a fret-hand technique, and it's also a single-string technique. So the best way to practice this is going up and down a single string.

Let's try the slide on our C major scale going up and coming back down.

Now we can slide through notes. We'll slide from C straight to E, then back down to D and from D straight to F. This is called playing the scale in thirds.

Last, we'll try to slide from the low "C" to every note, to build our accuracy.

The slide technique is just one building block, but once you've really mastered it, it will form the foundation of solid guitar technique.


不要和 slide guitar混淆,slides(滑弦)是一种被用在吉他和其他弦乐器上的技巧,它用来连接在同一根弦上不同品的音符。现在,让我们从一个基本的滑弦开始学习。

  1. 用食指按下二弦六品。
  2. 拨这个音。
  3. 当这个音响起时,滑动手指至第五品,与此同时,你还是要继续按着这根弦。一旦手指放松,你就得不到滑弦的效果了。

第六品的 (“F”) 应该要 “不知不觉地” slid(滑落)到第五品的 (“E”)—上,而不是拨动第二个音,slide是一种 decorative technique(修饰音技巧),往你的旋律中注入一些有趣的因素。

Slides 也经常在 change positions(变换把位)中被使用,如果你弹上述例子的第六品的把位,然后你滑到第五品,现在你整个手都移动了on half step(半个音级),你可以轻易的弹到其他的音符了。

Slides 属于那种只适用于单弦的技巧。你不能从一根弦滑到另一根弦上。所以,练习slide最好的方法就是在单弦上练习scales(音阶)和 patterns(手形)。

Example Scale for Sliding

c natural
fret tile
fret tile
d natural
fret tile
fret tile
e natural
fret tile
f natural
fret tile
fret tile
g natural
fret tile
fret tile
a natural
fret tile
fret tile
b natural
fret tile
c natural
fret tile
fret tile

Sliding Exercises

下面这些练习,我们使用的是B弦的 C 大调音阶。

Exercise #1 – 基本技巧

具体做法:弹奏第一品的 “C” ,向上滑到 D;然后弹奏 “D” ,滑动到 E;一直到 high “C”,然后拨 high “C”音,向下滑动到 B,就这样反向弹奏。

Exercise #2 – 变化

具体做法:弹第一品的 “C” ,直接向上滑到 E,不在 D停留;弹 E音,向下滑到 D;弹 D音,向上滑到 F;直到 high “C”后,反向弹奏。

Exercise #3 – 保持准确性

具体做法:弹 low “C”,向上滑到 “D”;再次弹 low “C”,向上滑到 “E”;这样重复,直到你弹 low “C”,向上滑到 high “C”的时候,再由 high “C” 滑到 “B”这样反向弹奏,然后从 high “C” 滑到 “A”,依此类推直到你从 high “C”向下slid一个八度到 low “C”。

As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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