基本吉他扫弦节奏练习 | Hub Guitar


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Let's talk about some basic approaches to strumming the guitar.

The first thing you've got to do is to play in time. It's much better, even at the very advanced level, to play a simple rhythm in correct time than to play a more complicated rhythm with inaccurate time.

For that reason, it's a great idea to practice with the metronome. You probably don't want to, but it can really help.

First, we're going to strum a constant flow of even beats, which are grouped into units of four. Because of this grouping, they're called quarter notes. I'm going to use a G chord for this demonstration.

Now, we're going to divide those beats by two, resulting in eighth notes.

Now, let's imagine that these eighth notes form a grid. By removing some of those notes and replacing them with rests, or silence, we can create a lot of different rhythms.

I'm going to remove one at a time until I end up with a more simple strumming pattern.

First I'll set a metronome to 100 beats per minute. Here is the patterns.

First I'll remove the fifth one.

Then the fifth and the eighth one.

Then second, fifth and eighth.

And finally, second, third, fifth and eighth.

So you can see many rhythms can be built from this basic grid.

Try it yourself--use a metronome. And maybe come up with some of your own rhythms.


不知道怎样学习吉他扫弦节奏类型?不用担心,一旦你学会了听懂 潜在的律动 以及根据这来弹奏节拍的话,你会发现其实很简单。


下面这个练习从每拍1个和弦开始,然后一拍一分为二,每四拍一小节中包含八次扫弦。然后,我们可以省略某些 patterns来创造出新的变奏。

试试用一个和弦弹奏这些 patterns,保持 down/up(向下/向上)的循环动作可以帮助你找到节奏。


Quarter notes

Strum once per beat, on the beat.

a series of simple strumming patterns for guitar.

Eighth notes pattern 1

Strum twice per beat, on the beat and off the beat.

a series of simple strumming patterns for guitar.

Eighth notes pattern 2

The pattern consists of 8 eighth notes. Skip over eighth note #5 by strumming the air instead of the guitar.

a series of simple strumming patterns for guitar.

Eighth notes pattern 3

The pattern consists of 8 eighth notes. Skip over eighth note #5 and #8 by strumming the air instead of the guitar.

a series of simple strumming patterns for guitar.

Eighth notes pattern 4

Skip over eighth notes #2, #5 and #8 by strumming the air instead of the guitar.

a series of simple strumming patterns for guitar.

Eighth notes pattern 5

Skip over eighth notes #2, #3, #5 and #8 by strumming the air instead of the guitar.

Note that the second line is the same pattern, but notated in a more simlpe way.

a series of simple strumming patterns for guitar.



  1. 练习这些节奏直到你能在节拍器的伴随下准确的弹奏它们。
  2. 查看我们其他的节奏类型课程,点击 musicianship 的 “rhythm” category。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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