双音奏法 | Hub Guitar


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Let's talk about double stops.

This is the name for the technique of playing two strings at once with the pick.

You can use this to play intervals up and down the neck, like major and minor thirds. Just play one interval across two strings, then let each note go up to the next note in the scale. Like this one in E major.

You can also use it to play patterns across strings. This is often used to play fourths in the pentatonic scale.

Practice this technique and whenever you come across a need for it, you'll have no problem with the execution.

到底什么是 “Double Stop”(双音奏法)呢?

double stop 就是同时弹奏两个音符,一般是用拨片来弹奏。这个术语是一百年前来源于小提琴一个类似的技巧。由于 double-stop 出现在两根相邻的琴弦上,所以,大多情况下会以 intervalAn interval refers to any melodic distance between any two pitches. 的形式来演奏,最普遍的是三度音和四度音,不过你也会听到其他的音程。

让我们先用 diatonic thirds(三度法) 向上弹奏E大调第三第四弦,来开始学习 double-stop。这个过程将会有两种三度:major third(大调三度)minor third(小调三度),并且三度的类型必须适用E大调。从 E 到 G♯ 是 major third,但从 F♯ 到 A 是 minor third。

Double Stop 例子 – E 大调

因为 pentatonic scale(五声音阶)可以轻易地被弹作 double stops,所以这一技巧也经常使用在五声音阶中。让我们试着用第二指法里的 G 大调五声音阶。

G 大调五声音阶 for Double Stops

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  1. 弹奏 “E 大调” double stops,共四对琴弦,上行和下行。
  2. 用double stop(三度和四度)弹奏 all five pentatonic scale fingerings
  3. 弹奏上行五声音阶 double stops,共四对琴弦,参考大调音阶的例子。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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