用五声音阶来即兴演奏 | Hub Guitar


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Let's talk about how to use the major pentatonic scale to improvise.

At the basic level, you can use the major pentatonic scale to improvise over a major key of the same name. So you can use A major pentatonic to improvise in the key of A major.

You can also use the pentatonic major built on the fifth of the major key. So for A major, you can use an E major pentatonic.

You can also use a major pentatonic scale to improvise over a blues of the same name, although this may not sound truly bluesy.

In addition to these, there are more advanced uses of the pentatonic scale that we won't touch on today.

I'm just going to show you for a moment what it looks like to improvise using the C major pentatonic scale over the chords C, Am, Dm, G. Here's the demonstration with our backing track.

As you may have noticed, I like to use techniques like slides, bends, vibrato that kind of thing. Those decorations can give the notes you play a little bit more character, so experiment with throwing those in there as well.

大调五声音阶(Pentatonic Major)


Penta的意思是“五个”,而tonic意思是“音符”,所以pentatonic scale就是包含5个音符的音阶。




E和F是不和谐音,B和C也是不和谐音。如果去掉F和B的话,我们就可以得到一个更加consonantA note that is consonant with another will seem to agree and fit well when played together with the first. :的音阶:大调五声音阶。


这个音阶里的每一个音之间都不冲突,我们用它来进行即兴演奏,或是跟着backing trackA pre-recorded instrumental track, most often used for practicing improvisation. Similar to a karaoke track.一起弹奏。如果你以前弹过这个音阶的话,在这里可以顺便帮你复习一下。


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  1. 练习大调五声音阶的上行。
  2. 练习大调五声音阶的下行。
  3. 练习大调五声的上下行。
  4. 用音阶中一个隔一个音来弹奏。(C, E, D, G, E, A, G, C)
  5. 尝试为上面的背景音乐写一段旋律。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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