即兴演奏的简介 | Hub Guitar


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Hi. This is Hub Guitar.

Let's do a quick overview of improvising.

So improv is also called lead guitar, playing riffs, melting faces, that kind of thing.

In pop culture, the guitar solo had its heyday back in the 70s, but in the music setting, improvising a solo part is still one of the best parts about playing the guitar.

Think of improvising as composing a melody or other part, on the spot. It has got to fit with the setting and any other musical parts going on.

The best way to get started improvising is to do it without any other music to distract you. Just sit down and see if you can use the chords or scales you know and make something up.

Later on, you'll use an audio file, kind of like a karaoke file, called a backing track. That'll be the backdrop for your solo.

Improvisation is one of those things people spend a life time trying to master. Just try to jump in and see what you can think of. Don't be self-critical or embarrassed. Just play a few notes.

I'm going to give you an example of how you can use a few notes from a scale to improvise. I'm going to limit myself to the C major scale going up and down the B string. So here is a demonstration using a backing track with a simple drum loop. That's it. Noting terribly complicated, just use the C major scale to come up with a few ideas, and you can play those along with a metronome or rhythm track, that should be more than enough to help you get to start it with a little bit of improvisation.

Improvising(即兴演奏)是一个好玩又值得你去挑战的东西,有时你可能要用很长时间才能掌握它的精髓。要 improvise 就是从要创作自然、无意识的音乐 (即 riffs 或 licks)从而形成了一段 solo。即兴演奏的另一种形式是填充 —一段短小的音乐乐句,像是一个标点符号。它可能出现在比如歌曲歌词的停顿中。即兴演奏可以被放在各种各样的环境下。

Improvise with no accompaniment(无伴奏即兴演奏)

大多数的即兴演奏者都是从单独即兴演奏开始起步的。虽然这做起来很容易,但你很难控制旋律结构。你可以弹任一音符或节奏,之所以这样,是因为你的即兴演奏不需要 “配合” 其他东西,从而有了这样松散的结构。

然而,这可能还是最好的方法 开始 improvising。你可以无限制的弹奏任何的音符,节奏或和弦。


Improvise with rhythmic accompaniment(有伴奏的即兴演奏)



将节拍器设置到一个你感到舒服的节奏,大概 90 bpm(Beats Per Minute) — The number of pulses in the duration of 60 seconds. A clock ticks at a rate of 60 beats per minute. 或 100 bpm。顺便用脚打节拍。一种比较简单的形式是一组8拍的去即兴演奏: 第1个4拍弹和弦,后4拍弹一些旋律音符。


你可以找到电脑使用的drum looping软件,或者是手机、平板电脑,用它来练习。

最好找你喜欢的风格的drum loop,配合着练习,然后尝试借用一些鼓的节奏,用到你自己的即兴演奏里。

你可以使用下面这个简单的 drum loop。


With rhythm and chords

虽然rhythm(节奏)限制你在规定的时间里弹奏,但chord(和弦)要求你只弹那些听起来和音调的 harmonyThe combination of pitches, usually three or more, which results in a chord. 搭配的音符。基础水平中,用 keyThe set of pitches that a piece of music is organized around. A key has two components: a tonal center and some sort of scale, or set of pitches used for creating harmony and melody. 可以做到这点。乐队中每一个成员都弹奏key上的音调,即兴演奏者也用key中的音符来弹奏 solo,形成一种冲撞抵触的效果。

想要学习即兴演奏可以用 backing trackA pre-recorded instrumental track, most often used for practicing improvisation. Similar to a karaoke track.s 来开始练习。把backing track想象成一个仿真的乐队,它是乐队 rhythm sectionThe part of the band that plays the accompaniment to the singer or soloist. Standard rhythm section is drums, bass, keys and guitar. 的录音,就像是吉他手的卡拉ok。

Example Backing Track: Drum Groove

这个track仅仅用了打击乐器,所以你可以配合它弹奏任何音或和弦。尝试使用你已经学习过的一个音节来开始演奏,例如 C major scale。 目的是将音节中的音符与街拍相结合,来创作出一些音乐乐句。

Beginning Improvisation Exercises

  1. 使用 C major scale无伴奏的进行即兴演奏。尝试看看你是否能够弹出一些有趣的音符组合。
  2. 使用 C major scale 且配合有节奏的backing track进行即兴演奏。尝试看看你是否能够将一些有趣的节奏加入到这些音符中。
  3. 使用某一 basic chords 配合track进行即兴演奏。试试从 C major scale中挑选音符加入其中。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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