吉他颤音(Vibrato)技巧 | Hub Guitar


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Vibrato is one of those techniques that most players seem to develop subconsciously, without giving it deliberate thought.

But vibrato is one of those things that really gives you your own playing style. It's worth thinking about whether you want to play with vibrato, and if so, what kind of vibrato you want to use.

In this lesson we're going to talk about two different attributes vibrato can have: its speed, and its width.

And we're going to explore a few different kinds of vibrato: a slow, wide vibrato and a fast, narrow vibrato. This tends to be the spectrum that vibratos fall on because it's easier to play a narrow vibrato fast and it's easier to play a wide vibrato slow.

A subtle vibrato can really make your guitar tone shine, so practice your vibrato and discover yourself how this technique fits into your style.





值得被注意的是,vibrato在在爵士和古典吉他音乐中,特别是在其他音乐风格中听到的那种剧烈的颤音是不被强化的。事实上,布鲁斯或者摇滚演奏者如果不能够“干脆”地不加任何剧烈颤音地演奏的话,可能会受到别人的鄙视。这是一种风格上的不同,在Hub Guitar,我们讨厌势利眼,所以你可以尽情地把vibrato用在爵士演奏中。了解各种音乐风格的规则后再去弹,但要小心别弹断琴弦。


  • 强调和修饰音符
  • 保持和延长音符的长度
  • 突出音乐形式上重要的音符
  • 自我感觉变好




  1. 一致性:这一点防止vibrato变得很刺耳。一个好的vibrato应该被你很好的控制着,准确、始终如一。
  2. 幅度:vibrato的幅度,也就是数量,是音高变化的总量。一个比较小幅度的vibrato是很微妙的,幅度越大就越明显。
  3. 频率:vibrato的速度,是指音量变化得速度。速度很快得vibrato有着很刺耳得音效,经常被用在吉普赛爵士中。在主音摇滚吉他里,一般使用比较慢速的vibrato。慢速的vibrato也是比宽幅度的vibrato更微妙。但通常来说,相对于幅度大的vibrato来说,幅度小的vibrato速度更快,因为幅度小的vibrato路径较短,所以速度也就更快。


在第一个例子中,我们将会朝琴颈方向弹奏小调的旋律。其中,我们会用到宽幅度, 低速的vibrato,这对于你培养技巧来说是绝好的练习。弹这种类型的vibrato时,我们会用按弦的手指“抖音”,让音符脱离音调后再回到音调上。就像一个小型的推弦。

Slow, Wide Vibrato

Fast, Narrow Vibrato


As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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