
Hi, this is Hub Guitar.
Let's talk about tremolo picking.
This is a very cool and very useful technique for playing groups of fast notes.
What some people may not realize, though, is that this is also one of the most valuable ways to build right-hand picking technique.
When we're talking about picking technique, we're generally thinking about speed, tone, clarity. That kind of thing. And those are a product of the combined efforts of the picking hand and the fretting hand.
Each hand has duties that can be developed independently. The fretting hand can independently develop the ability to clearly articulate fretted notes. You can work on that with slurs, hammer-ons, that kind of thing.
And the picking hand can independently develop picking techniques such as this tremolo technique. It's a very rapid alternate picking technique that's usually done on a single string.
Once we've developed skills in both hands, we can start to work on the skill of coordinating them together. And our maximum output will basically be limited by which hand is weaker.
Many players don't know off the top of their head if it's their left hand or right hand that needs the most work. So getting the left and right hands to a really high level will be a huge bonus when you're trying to develop the coordination to play them together.
I'm going to show you how you can turn any melody into tremolo patterns.
First, let's take a simple melody.
Now, let's play that same melody with eighth-note tremolo. That means no note can be longer than an eighth note; all bigger notes are broken down into multiple eighth notes.
Now let's do a 16th-note tremolo. All notes will be broken down into sixteenth notes.
Of course, you can keep going to 32nd notes and beyond, if you've got the picking speed.
I think you'll find if you practice your right-hand tremolo, you'll be able to build a lot of speed in the picking hand, and ultimately take more control of the instrument.
其他相关课程:Volume Swelling
这一个是一个音符甚至是一个和弦的音量重复向上或向下震动。这一般要配合一个音量踏板或者是拨弦的小手指转电吉他的动音量旋钮;弹奏音符后前后拨动旋钮以制造出一种震动的音效。这个就叫做Volume Swell。但这节课我们主要集中在拨弦技巧上。
颤音可以被应用在任何一段音乐,你只要挑选一个音符重复就可以了。重复弹拨可以形成一种很长很长的音符的音效—而且也能增加它的持久力。在拉丁音乐中,你会经常听到这种音效,还有就是“surf rock”和重金属里。
颤音例子1(Basic Melody


颤音例子 3(十六分音符颤音)

有一些吉他配有“摇把(whammy bar)”,也叫作“trem”或“tremolo bar”,但其实这是误写,因为用设备制造出的音效完全不是颤音,而是vibrato。
- 配合节拍器弹奏十六分音符的颤音,并且尝试慢慢加速。
- 用颤音弹奏三度大调音阶,“E” 弦的上下行。
- 只用颤音拨弦来即兴演奏。