Hi, this is Hub Guitar.
Let's talk about the guitar bend.
This technique is extremely popular in blues and rock, but it fits in most styles well enough. You won't hear very much in classical or jazz though. Keep that in mind.
Let's try a few examples of bending. We'll start on the third string, on fret VII. This is a D note. We'll bend up a half-step. I can do that with any one of my four fingers.
Now let's see how far we can bend. For this, we'll use the B string as the higher strings require less strength to bend. Let's fret "A" on the X fret of the B string, and bend it up different amounts.
Notice that bending really messed up my tuning. I actually have to retune the string after if I bend it too much. Some rock guitar players who really like to bend will actually use special hardware to clamp the string in place and prevent it from going out of tune. The rest of us just have to cope.
One more idea: let's do a guitar lick with a small bend, and then move it down by half-step and repeat. This might help you understand that the string has different amounts of tension between its different points. It's stretched between these two points, and the tension on the string is higher as it gets towards the end. So as we do this lick, the amount of strength needed to bend the note will change. That's why we want to always follow what our ear tells us. We want to push the note up a half-step. We don't care how far we're pushing the string; we'll push the string until the note's pitch has reached the one we want to play.
Practicing bends can really bite into your fingers and condition the skin on the fingertips, as well as help you develop strength and even improve your ear.
怎样推弦(Bend Strings)
guitar bend(吉他推弦)是一种控制单根琴弦上单个音符的技巧。推弦是当你弹一个音符时,将琴弦推起从而改变原来的音高。推弦可以被使用在任意琴弦上,多数时候推弦将音高推高一个半音或一个全音。然而,大幅度的推弦例如 perfect fourth(纯四度)也是可能的。推弦在越细的弦上就越容易,或者你可以用 whammy barA whammy bar is a mechanical device found on an electric guitar that allows the player to pull a lever that lifting or lowers the bridge, resulting in a pitch that is higher or lower.,再或者你可以尝试使用电吉他。
现在让我们来试试:B弦十品的 “A” 向上推一个全音到十二品的 “B”。
首先是 straight bend。拨弹音 “A” 后,推弦到音 “B”,并且持续响音,直到音 “B” 渐渐减弱消失,抑或拨弦的手闷弦以结束。
第二种叫 bend and release。弹拨音 “A” 后,推弦到音 “B”,短暂响音后,释放推弦的手,直到它回到原来的位置,并且音 “A” 再次发声。
第三种叫 pre-bend 或者 ghost bend。在拨弹音 “A” 之前先推弦到音 “B”,然后拨弦,并回到音 “A”上来。
Bending Exercises
Exercise #1 – 增强手指力量
Exercise #2 – Interval accuracy(间隔精确度
用你的无名指按住B弦十品的 “A”,右手拨弦,左手推弦一个半音到 A♯,然后释放。右手再次拨弦,左手推弦一个全音到 B,然后释放。然后再试试同样的推弦到 C和 C♯。如果你感觉好,可以试试推弦到 D—甚至更大的幅度。小心不要弄断琴弦。
Exercise #3 – Accuracy in all positions(音准精确度
Exercise Notation
Hear the Half-Step Exercise
Hear the Whole-Step Exercise
- 有能力分辨出你所听到的音乐中的推弦,包括向上向下或者两者兼具的。
- 可以在吉他上弹出你听到的推弦。
- 将这个推弦应用到你自己即兴发挥的曲子里佐以强调,让音乐变得有趣。