吉他交替式拨弦基础 | Hub Guitar


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Let's talk about a very, very important guitar technique. This is one of the prime fundamentals that you really need to advance your skills.

I'm talking about alternate picking.

Alternate picking is the most economical motion to use when playing multiple notes on a single string. Because you get to recycle your motion. When you pick down, you end up being on the opposite side of the string, so if you can pick in reverse at that moment you'll be able to play the second note much more quickly.

This technique can also help you to pick complicated sequences of notes with more accuracy, as reversing the direction of your picking can help you to avoid overshooting the target and hitting the wrong string. It helps you develop a more narrow picking movement which lets you play more accurately.

So this exercise can be done anywhere, but I'll show you on the second fret. We pick four notes per string, and use strict alternate picking going down-up-down-up.

If I could pick any one exercise that just about every good guitar player has used to develop advanced technique, I would probably choose this one.

Some typical variations on this exercise: you can play it with all down picking or all up picking. This can be a good workout too, and it will help you see how much more efficient alternate picking is in some cases.

You can also play it in reverse pattern, up-down-up-down instead of down-up-down-up. There are cases where the reverse alternate picking technique is the most useful one to use. In fact, when you play this pattern coming back up you may want to switch to the reverse picking pattern as well.

Great! So really try to get these picking patterns under your finger as these are the basics for almost everything that you will play on the guitar, and it will serve you well.

Alternate Picking(交替式拨弦)的重要性

Alternate picking 是吉他最最基本的动作之一。下面这个简单却有效的练习是帮助你建立交替式拨弦技巧的暖身。

The Alternate Picking 练习

Alternate picking guitar pattern.


Variations of the exercise

  • 倒过来弹这个练习 (向上拨-下,上-下)。
  • 全部用上拨或下拨来弹奏这个练习,注意它们的区别。
  • 从一个比较高的品开始弹,掌握之后,向琴头方向移动一品再开始练习,直到再次弹到第一个音为止,这是,改变方向继续练习一遍。
  • 跟着节拍器练习,保持记录你的速度是锻炼picking技巧非常好的方法之一。


  • 从 low E弦开始弹然后向 high E弦。
  • 一开始慢慢的联系,然后你会自然而然的加快速度。
  • 一定要注意你的手,这适用于每个练习。
  • 注意时间。每一个音都是相同的时间长度,你可以用边弹边用脚来保证节奏的稳定性。


  • 始终使用节拍器来练习。
  • 默默写下你的速度,一年之后再对比看看你的进步有多大。不管什么水平的吉他手都会这样做。
  • 试试挑战 advanced alternate picking exercises
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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