从大调音阶开始练习 | Hub Guitar


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Before you try to read a piece of music, it's a good idea to do some preparation. This will make your job a lot easier.

First, you want to check the range and make sure you're in the right position on the guitar. You want to try to find an area of the guitar where you can play all of the notes in the written music, or at least as many as possible.

Then you want to take a look at what key it's in. Usually that will give you a clue to approach it.

For instance, if the music is in C major, and the lowest note is this G here and the highest note is this G, then you'll want to warm up with a C major scale in the first position. Most of the notes you'll have to read will probably be in that scale.

So warming up with the scale is not just a vague exercise. It has very real uses. If the melody moves by step, you just go up the scale. If the melody moves up in thirds, you play the scale in thirds. As much as possible, you want to be reading the music by following along with the scale.

Let's take a look at a few of these scales. I'm going to show you some different C major scales, starting with this C major scale in the first position. Next I'm going to show you a C major in the fifth position. Now let's do it in position seven.

So when you see a piece of music, try to figure out what key it is and ideally what position is ideal to play it. Then warm up by playing the notes in that key, or the major scale, in that position.



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C大调, Position I

在这个把位中,我们会从G开始,也就是第五个音开始向上走,使用一些空弦。我们可以reach到low G,甚至更低,但我们可以接触到的最高音并不是很高。对于C大调旋律来说,音域太高不是个好选择。

C大调, Position V

对于C大调来说,这个把位还是比较灵活的,我们还是可以reach到low “A”,而现在我们还可以reachhigh “C”。这对于很多吉他旋律来说很有用,但很多旋律也会有这个音域意外的音符。

C 大调, Position VII


G 大调, Position II


G 大调, Position X


F 大调, Position I

F 大调, Position V

D 大调, Position IV

B♭ 大调, Position V


  • 在你练习完这些音阶以后,你应该可以用它们来读这里呈现给你的这些简单旋律的任何一个音调。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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