切分节奏 | Hub Guitar


什么是 Syncopation(切分节奏)?

一组四分音符一般被数成 “1, 2, 3, 4”。

一组八分音符一般被数成 “1 and 2 and 3 and 4 and”。

syncopated rhythm强调介于两拍之间的节奏。

在上面的例子中,你数的“1, 2, 3, 4” 其实都是指向同一个音符,但是第二个例子中,在那些音符中又有个额外的音符。这个额外的音符又被称为 upbeat(弱拍),其他四个主要音被称为 downbeat(强拍)。无论什么音乐,只要是强调弱拍的,就被称为 syncopated(切分音的)


如果你能够读这些节奏的话对你很有帮助,你可以从慢慢拍打主要的四个音开始,并且大声说出这些拍子的名字。如果你觉得有困难的话,你可以说出 所有 拍子 (“1+2+3+4+”) 但注意,轻声说那些没有被弹奏的拍子,大声说那些显示的拍子。

Syncopation Exercise

Patterns 1: Warmup

Play straight quarter notes and then straight eighth notes. Repeat each pattern until it feels comfortable.

some syncopated rhythms.

Patterns 2: Upbeat

The first pattern is all upbeats. The second pattern is a downbeat pattern with an upbeat at the end. Repeat each pattern.

some syncopated rhythms.

Patterns 3: Somewhat syncopated

These patterns have modest syncopation.

some syncopated rhythms.

Patterns 4: Barely syncopated

These patterns aren’t really syncopated. Warm up your reading more with these patterns, and continue to the next ones.

some syncopated rhythms. some syncopated rhythms.

Patterns 5: Highly syncopated

These patterns are very syncopated, with most attackA term describing the point in time when a note first begins. This is the moment the piano key is pushed or the guitar string is plucked.s occuring on the up beat.

some syncopated rhythms.

More Exercises

The examples above are intended to be practiced separately, several times in a row. The audio examples below demonstrate the sound of each pattern in sequential order.


  1. 选择任一和弦,例如 A major,然后用这些节奏来弹奏它们。
  2. 尝试用这些节奏弹 A major音阶。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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