大调音阶和弦的功能:和弦有什么功能 | Hub Guitar


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Let's talk about chord function.

A chord's function is basically the role it plays within the key.

The most important role in any key is the I chord. Its function is tonic, usually called THE tonic. It is a point of rest.

Other chords that have this function include the III- chord and the VI- chord. Both of these chords share a lot of the notes of the I chord. If we move from the I to the III or to the VI, we haven't done anything very dramatic. In terms of how far we are from home, we're still in the driveway. These chords tend to push away from the I just a little bit, towards the other chords.

After those chords, you have the subdominant chords, II- and IV major. These are a little bit far from home, may be on the sidewalk in front of the house. Once you've played these chords, you can sometimes turn right around and come back home to I. The exception is that sometimes in modern music the IV chord can just turn right around and go back to I. But usually you'll go further to the dominant chord.

The dominant chords are V and VII. Once you play one of these, you're almost certainly going to go back to the tonic I. Again the exception is that sometimes you can just turn right around and go back to the IV chord as a pivot, which can go to the I chord.

So chords have a function defined by the roman numeral and the chord quality. Once you grasp a chord in terms of its function, you will be able to find or create uses for chords of that function, and that will take you a long way in your study of music and how chords work.


为什么谱的好的和弦进行会听起来那么好听,而有些听起来很沉闷呢?和弦之间相互作用就是和弦的作用。如果一个和弦给你一种稳定的归属感,那它就完成了它的使命;如果一个和弦没能履行它的职能,带来的结果可能会是很惊讶的,也就是说,如果和弦进行不按常理出牌的话,那你得到的一定是不稳定、很古怪的旋律,多数时候,这个和弦听起来都不会好听,但也可能一首hit song由此诞生。

C Major和弦






我们应该怎样区分这些和弦的“功能”呢?我们从第一个和弦开始看: 这个和弦是基于大调音阶的第一个音符上的,叫做tonicA word describing the tonal center of a piece of music, with other tones resolving to this note. chord(主和弦)。主和弦一般都是旋律的开头和结尾,有归属,稳定的感觉。



我们需要系统性的来根据和弦之间的关系来命名它们,而不是音名,这样的话,无论keyThe set of pitches that a piece of music is organized around. A key has two components: a tonal center and some sort of scale, or set of pitches used for creating harmony and melody.怎么变化都不会影响到和弦。我们引入罗马数字I, ii, iii, IV, V, vi 和 vii˚来给和弦做标记。大调和弦是大写,小调和弦小写。减和弦(diminished chord)会有一个特殊的记号。


在C大调音阶里,有2个音与相邻的音之间只有半音之隔,那就是F和B。由于这些音符与tonicA word describing the tonal center of a piece of music, with other tones resolving to this note.(主音)之间的冲突,导致它们就像“外星人”一样,只能短暂的停留,不可就留。

在调性和声里,主和弦(“I”) 让我们有一种回家的感觉,其他和弦的功能由两个离家最远的音符:F和B离家有多远来决定。一个和弦的功能主要就是取决于它包含了多少“F”和“B”这2个“外星人”,有2个“外星人”的和弦离家最远,一个“外星人”都没有的和弦离家最近。


主和弦:I, iii-, vi-

主和弦包含了音阶中的第三个音符,以及I chord(就是第一个和弦)里的至少一个音符。很明显I chord是主和弦,而第三和弦也是类似主和弦:因为Emin中包含了E和G,都是主和弦中的音符;Amin同理。这两个和弦听起来都有点像主和弦,我们把第三和弦称为iii-,小写字母和减号表示了这是一个小调和弦。我们把第六和弦写成vi-。

下属和弦:IV, ii-

下属和弦包含了“F”音,很明显脱离了主和弦。而它们也都不包含“B”,“B”会给人一种很强烈的想要被解决到C的感觉。因此,这些和弦虽然离开家,但没有属和弦那样很强烈的想要回家的感觉。当这种和弦出现的时候,很可能之后就会跟随者属和弦;然而,有时候也会回到主和弦。这些和弦基本可以接任何一种和弦。特别是IV chord经常会直接回到I chord。

属和弦:V, vii˚

这两个和弦都包含了音符“F” 和 “B”,所以它们有最强烈的冲突感和紧张感。这两个音会分别想要解决到主和弦的“E” 和 “C”。就因为这种期待,属和弦后面常常接主和弦,让你彻底有稳定回家的感觉。V chord比vii˚ chord要常用,这里我们先不谈具体的原因。

在学习乐理的同时也需要配合听力练习。现在弹奏不同的和弦进行,感受主和弦,下属和弦和属和弦产生的不同效果。你可以从这里开始练习this list of four-chord progressions


  1. 指出哪一个是“主和弦”?
  2. 这些主和弦中,哪一个是最主要的?
  3. 哪一个是“下属”和弦?
  4. 哪一个是“属”和弦?
  5. 属和弦中,哪一个是最主要的?
  6. 下属和弦后一般接 ______________ 和弦。
  7. A 和弦后一般接 ______________ 和弦。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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