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Suspended chords are often used to make a chord progression sound a little more interesting. Here's an example of a sus chord going to a major chord.
The best way to learn how suspended chords work is to start with a major chord, such as C major, and then compare it to other C chords such as C minor, C sus 2, and C sus 4. This way, you can learn how the chords are built and then turn any major chord into a sus4 chord.
Starting with a C major chord, we've got a 1, 3, 5. You can tell that the E is a third because it's the note 3 letters above C. C is one, D will be the second letter, so E must be the third of the chord.
Now we can make that C major in to a minor chord by flattening the third by one half-step. This is a bit difficult to play, so don't worry if you have a bit of trouble. Some of these chords are more for learning than for performing with. Notice that we don't play the top "E" anymore as that is also a major third and it would mess things up to have both the major chord's third and the minor chord's third. Does not sound very good no matter who plays it.
Now, back to the C major for comparison.
To make a sus2 chord, we'll replace the third with a second. So we can lift up here on the second finger coming off the E note. and then let's open that D note ring out. and again, back to the C major chord to compare, always want to compare to something.
Finally, to make a sus4 chord, we can replace the third with the perfect fourth a half-step above. This is F, C, F, G, C. very common for that sus4 chord. to resolve to major.
the goal here is to practice all of these chords in major, minor, sus2 and sus4 form--C, D, E, F, G, and A. Once you know all of those you'll be able to do alot more with basic open chords.
挂留和弦 是将原和弦中的一些音进行修改从而得到新的和弦。它可以营造出一种神秘的、不清晰的艺术氛围。
这个和弦经常被使用在流行音乐中,而且它一般都会 resolveWhen a note moves to another note a step away, especially when the destination is one that the listener was expecting to hear. (回归)到同类型的大调和弦上来。例如,Csus4 就会回归到 C。
以下的和弦,按照根音练习弹奏它们:统一练习所有的 C和弦,然后 D和弦,依此类推,注意同一音名不同和弦之间的区别,这能够帮助你牢记它们。
图中琴弦上方的 “x” 表示 不 弹此弦,但琴弦上方的迷你音符则表示,你应该弹空弦,手指不按弦。
以上这些中,例如 Cmin,甚至对于水平很高的吉他手来说都是比较困难的和弦,这里只是为了进行对比。
- 牢记以上所有和弦。
- 练习弹奏上面的和弦,知道你可以清晰准确的弹奏每一个音为止。
- 比较有着 相同音名 的和弦,看看它们有什么规律?
- 比较 相同类型 的和弦,说说 A7 和 G7 有什么相同之处?