
Hi. This is Hub Guitar.
We're going to take a look at two very useful scales. One is a pentatonic scale, meaning it has five notes, and the other is a major scale, which has 7. Both of these scales are played in position, which means that each finger plays all of the notes at a particular fret. The first finger plays the notes on fret IV, the second finger fret V, the third finger fret VI and the fourth finger fret VII. So if I say the name of a finger, I'm also indicating the fret.
Here's the pentatonic scale:
And here's the major scale:
These two scales are used very often and I think you'll find them useful in your learning. So memorize the scales and find a way to put them to use.
Pentatonic Major Scale Pattern-大调五声音阶
5-note major scale
Major (Diatonic) Scale Pattern-大调全音阶
7-note major scale.
现在你应该已经可以弹奏 大调音阶了,它是所有现在音乐的基础,它所有的音都在B弦上。然而,就为了弹奏几个音符去大幅度移动你的手指好像并不是很实际,所以现在我们要进行适当的改变,使你能够在小的幅度里跨越更少的品格来弹奏它。
“R” 表示根音,或者音阶中的最低音,这也是我们如何命名这些音阶的,如果你从第三品开始弹奏上面两个音阶,根音将会是 “G”,而它就会是 G 大调音阶。
- 学习弹奏这个音阶(上行和下行)。
- 牢记这个音阶。
- 比较和理解这两个音阶之间的区别。