Hi. This is Hub Guitar.
We're going to learn a basic scale.
This is a major scale, which is the basis for most of the music you've ever heard.
Scales on the guitar can be played across multiple strings, or they can be played up a single string.Like that. So Notes get higher as you move towards the floor,this way, or towards the sound hole. They get lower as you move towards the head of the guitar, or towards the ceiling.
This scale is going to use one string. That's the best way to visualize a scale -- especially in the beginning.
Just a quick note: don't worry about what fingers to use. Just using one finger is fine.
So here's the C major scale on the B string. We are gonna start on the first fret. Third fret. Fifth fret. Sixth fret. Eighth fret. Tenth fret. Twelfth fret. And Thirteenth. And backwards.
There you go. Practice that scale up and down a bit. Mess around with it. Maybe you can even use it to play some of the songs you know.
C大调音阶 – 一个八度
- 分别练习弹奏上行、下行音阶。
- 按照三度弹奏: C, E, D, F, E, G, F, A, G, B, A, C。
- 尝试 using the scale to play a melody.