一根弦上的E大调音阶 | Hub Guitar


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We're going to talk about how to play major scales up and down a single string, with the open string being the root of the scale.

For instance, we can take this high E string here and play it open, and then follow up the scale.

Now we can play the open note between all of the other notes.

It's great to use these kind of open string scales because you can play alot of notes very quickly. Even though this might seem a little easy, and advanced player would likely use this kind of technique to play a fast group of notes.

You can also try playing groups of two notes up the string, with an open note in between each two.

Finally, you can use this pattern with other scales, or on other strings. So experiment with this idea and see what it leads to. It's a great way to build your fretboard knowledge and it also really helps you to practice going up and down the neck, rather than just across.

学习 scaleA sub-set of notes taken from the larger set of 12. The smaller set (usually 5 or 7) is used to build melodies and chords.s 是学习吉他中最基础的部分。音阶是组成旋律、和弦和乐曲的基石。

既然你已经在学习开放和弦了,那为什么不一起学习 “开放音阶”呢?These are scales that go up and down a string, and include the note of the open string itself.

E Major Scale

e natural
fret tile
f sharp, g flat
fret tile
fret tile
g sharp, a flat
fret tile
a natural
fret tile
fret tile
b natural
fret tile
fret tile
c sharp, d flat
fret tile
fret tile
d sharp, e flat
fret tile
e natural
fret tile
fret tile
fret tile


一个练习弹奏此音阶最好的方法就是,在每一个音符之间都弹奏一个 open “E” (空弦音E),这能加强 “E” 为这个和弦的 tonicA word describing the tonal center of a piece of music, with other tones resolving to this note.

E major scale on first string, starting with open note.

你可以将上面这个pattern移动到其他弦上,就会得到全新的音阶,并且它的根音就是空弦本身。比如,在 “A” string 上弹奏这个pattern,就产生了A大调音阶。


  • 学习、牢记和应用这个音阶。
  • 在其他的弦上重复 相同 的pattern,产生 E major, A major, D major, G major 和 B major 音阶。
  • 在没有任何伴奏的情况下,用harmonic major(和声大调)来进行即兴弹奏。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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