怎样弹大横按:CAGED System | Hub Guitar

怎样弹大横按:CAGED System

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The time is here to dig into some more advanced barre chords.

If you know a few barre chords already, you probably know that open chords can often be played as barre chords. For instance the open A major can turn into a barre chord and become B major.

But this concept goes a bit further. There's actually an easy way to play barre chords up and down the neck. It's called the "CAGED" system. There are actually some in depth explanations of this system and its uses but I don't recommend you get too deep into it. It is, however, a handy way to memorize how the chords go up the guitar neck.

First, we'll play the chords that the CAGED system stands for: C, A, G, E, D. Now we'll assemble them all as C major chords, which means the first one will be the open chord, and the rest will be barre chords.

So we've got an acronym that helps you remember the order of barre chords going up and down the neck. You can also use this to work out how to play chord progressions in a single position. Here's an example using I-Vi-IV-V in C.

So try it out, and decide for yourself if this method is useful for you. At any rate, you should learn to play the C, A, G E and D major chords as barre chords.


封闭和弦(“barre” chords有时被误写为 “bar” chords)是你达到高级水平的必要基础。因为封闭和弦可以让你在许多不同的地方重复使用各种和弦模式。

CAGED系统 是一种熟悉吉他指板的特殊方法。

如果有人说: “弹一个C和弦”,即使再高级的吉他手应该也是会弹一个开放C和弦,即使是他知道很多很多其他的C和弦。这是因为这个和弦几乎是大家最先学习的C和弦,所以记得会比较牢。

如果你想在 position VIIdefinition的和弦后弹一个“C” 和弦,你想跳到低声区还是你想在同一声区继续弹奏?

CAGED系统 能让你快速学习在各个声区弹奏简单和弦的方法。虽说它不能让你深入了解和弦知识,但是它开放和弦和封闭和弦之间的重要桥梁。这个技巧可以帮助你发现其他可替代的弹奏和弦的方法,在歌曲转调中也很有用。

现在我们回到开放“C”和弦上来。CAGED system 是一种mnemonicA mnemonic is a technique that aids the memory. 法来记住最高音区的“C”和弦和开放“A”和弦是一样的手形,还有之后的开放G,E,和D,最后回到原来那个手形。




C Shape

C Shape chord diagram

(Photo) (Audio)

A Shape

A Shape chord diagram

(Photo) (Audio)

G Shape

G Shape chord diagram

(Photo) (Audio)

E Shape

E Shape chord diagram

(Photo) (Audio)

D Shape

D Shape chord diagram

(Photo) (Audio)


  1. 用C大调弹奏所有的CAGED 和弦,如上图。
  2. 把第一个和弦转为E大调,然后重复。
  3. 尝试把所有和弦变为小调和弦。
As the creator of Hub Guitar, Grey has compiled hundreds of guitar lessons, written several books, and filmed hundreds of video lessons. He teaches private lessons in his Boston studio, as well as via video chat through TakeLessons.

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